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Bespoke Track Layouts

Precision Track Options for Model Railways

If you use Templot, we can take your designs and produce custom layouts for you in any gauge.

We can build your base board, supply and fit your project from start to finish.

What is Templot?

  • Templot is a computer program which generates model railway track construction templates for turnouts, crossovers, diamond-crossings, slips, and plain track lengths.
  • In any gauge, on any radius or on a transition curve — an infinite number of different templates, all accurately scaled from proper full-size railway practice. In standard-gauge, narrow-gauge, bullhead or flat-bottom track, and for any period or prototype.

Visit for more information and to download the Templot application.

Images from

SCALE 7 Trackwork layout in Templot

Thanks to Paul Boyd for this photograph.

Bespoke Track Layouts

For a quote, please upload your Templot files and securly send to us for a price.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike 0787 217 5754